Mold Testing

Mold spores are everywhere outdoors as well as indoors. They are naturally occurring and feed on organic material ranging from food products to the gypsum board (sheetrock) on the walls inside your home. Mold can grow in the absence of light but it cannot grow without moisture. Moisture intrusion can occur from many different situations (roof leaks, plumbing leaks, flood, etc).

JLC Home Inspections has mold sampling test kits on hand at all times.  That means, if suspected mold is visibly present on a surface ad noted during a standard home inspection, we can take care of your needs immediately by sampling it and sending it out to a lab for further evaluation.  In order for us to test, we would need to visibly see some sort of suspected organic growth on the surface (ceiling, wall, sheathing, joists, etc)., that we could collect a sample of and dispatch to the lab for analysis.

JLC Home Inspections, is an IAC2 Mold Certified company.  Upon inspection and sampling of perceived mold, samples collected are sent out to EMSL Laboratories for testing, as they are a nationally recognized and accredited testing facility. All results (including identification of mold genera/species) are immediately forwarded to you, and you can then take the next steps as needed.  You can rest easy knowing that you have the knowledge to form the right game plan and ultimately resolve the situation.