How do you Book A NJ Home Inspection with JLC Home Inspections As Your NJ Home Inspector?
Easy- reach out anytime! JLC Home Inspections has 2 ways to book a NJ home inspection appointment for ease on you, the client. You can either book a NJ home inspection through email, OR call/text us at anytime. JLC Home Inspections prides ourselves on being available to you and if you don’t reach us, returning your call promptly. Our office is staffed during our peak call hours while our inspector is on the job so you can reach a staff member. Melissa or Amanda are both seasoned to assist you with your questions- whether it is for pricing, availability or services! If you get our voicemail, please leave a message. Otherwise, text us!
We strive to provide flexible scheduling of our inspection services around your schedule (schedule permitting for our inspector). We understand that time is of the essence in a real estate transaction and you want to get it done… yesterday. However, in peak times of years, try and be flexible. You may find another company to do it… yesterday, but don’t sacrifice quality and experience. We will work with your needs and try and offer times based on when you need and coordinate to the best of our availability. We do have to take into account daylight during those dark months. We also do have to take into account drive times needed and the report writing. The inspector does not produce the reports on site, so he will need office hours to do such prior to starting the next day.
Please contact us at any time with questions! We look forward to working with you! If you could also ensure to let us know your contract status (in or out of attorney review) when submitting any inquiries. That helps to let our schedulers know where to look in the book.
Do you want to book your NJ home inspection by email? Use the below form!